I subclassed NSView in IB, calling it VisualizationView. I instantiated it and connected it to an outlet of my controller object.
In Xcode I created the following header:
/* VisualizationView */
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
@interface VisualizationView : NSView { float originalSizeAspectRatio, finalSizeAspectRatio; }
The relevant parts of my implementation reads as such:
#import “VisualizationView.h”
@implementation VisualizationView
(id)initWithFrame:(NSRect)frameRect { if ((self = [super initWithFrame:frameRect]) != nil) { // Add initialization code here } return self; }
(void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect { NSRect originalRect = NSMakeRect(20, 13, 50, (50 * originalSizeAspectRatio)); NSRect finalRect = NSMakeRect(20, 0, 50, (50 * finalSizeAspectRatio));
NSDictionary *attribs = [[NSDictionary alloc] init]; NSString *originalString = [NSString stringWithString: @”aspect ratio of original”];
NSLog(@”originalSizeAspectRatio = %f”, originalSizeAspectRatio);
// [[NSColor whiteColor] set]; // NSRectFill(rect); [[NSColor redColor] set]; NSRectFill(originalRect); [[NSColor colorWithDeviceRed: 0 green: 1 blue: 0 alpha: .8] set]; NSRectFill(finalRect); [originalString drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint(20, 0) withAttributes: attribs];
Now… the NSLog() call in my -setOriginalSizeAspectRatio: method shows that originalSizeAspectRatio is getting set to the value of “ratio” when the method is invoked.
However, in my -drawRect function the NSLog() call shows originalSizeAspectRatio is 0.0
What am I doing wrong?
Could it be that you are not actually calling setOriginalSIzeAspectRatio anywhere in drawRect: ? Or anywhere else? At least I don’t see where you’ve done it in the above code.
If so, this is not really an NSViewSubclassProblem AFAICS. initWithFrame might be a good place to initialize the aspect ratio variables.
Did you drag a custom view into your IB window and set the custom class of that object? It’s a little ambiguous the way you wrote it.
Also: What do the show…S**‘izeAspectRatio methods do?
Well, -drawRect is getting called when -setNeedsDisplay: is set in the - setOriginalSizeAspectRatio: method, after the float variable is getting set.
UPDATE: Fixed. I think that I didn’t make all of my connections properly in IB.