I’m trying to find the image, that you see when you insert a blank cd next to the disk in the Panther Sidebar, where would that be located?
I did this:
find /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks -name **.tiff’ -or -name **.icns’ | grep -i cd |
And out comes: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Installation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/MultiCDInstaller.app/Contents/Resources/drive-CD.tiff – is that the one you are looking for?
I’m talking about the burn icon, sorry about that.
you can use IconServices to get the icon. use GetIconRef(kOnSystemDisk, kSystemIconsCreator, kBurningIcon, &myIconRef), then use PlotIconRefInContext to draw into a CGBitmapContext, then use NSBitmapImageRep and NSImage as desired.
if you want an example of this:
http://boredzo.fourx.org/icongrabber/ [forthcoming] http://boredzo.fourx.org/icongrabber/IconGrabber-1.0-src.sitx (Cocoa Objective-C source) http://boredzo.fourx.org/icongrabber/IconGrabber-1.0.dmg (build)