I am looking for some function calls(cocoa/carbon or bsd) to obtain the free disk space on a machine.
How about this:
OSErr FSGetVInfo( FSVolumeRefNum volume, HFSUniStr255 volumeName, / can be NULL / UInt64 *freeBytes, / can be NULL / UInt64 *totalBytes) / can be NULL */ { OSErr result; FSVolumeInfo info;
/* ask for the volume’s sizes only if needed */ result = FSGetVolumeInfo(volume, 0, NULL, (((NULL != freeBytes) || (NULL != totalBytes)) ? kFSVolInfoSizes : kFSVolInfoNone), &info, volumeName, NULL); require_noerr(result, FSGetVolumeInfo);
if ( NULL != freeBytes ) { *freeBytes = info.freeBytes; } if ( NULL != totalBytes ) { *totalBytes = info.totalBytes; }
return ( result ); }
OK, so I cribbed it from MoreFilesX found at http://developer.apple.com/samplecode/MoreFilesX/listing2.html
Use the search function: DiskSpace
I use this modified from the DiskSpace