I am trying to open an image from a file using a standard open dialog and using the resulting path in an -initWithContentsOfFile method. When I test the NSImage that I just created with -isValid I get ‘NO’.
Fair point. I guess I just thought I might be missing something conceptually and someone might see that right off.
Anyway, here is how I’m trying to open the image:
(void)didEnd:(NSOpenPanel *)sheet returnCode:(int)code contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo { NSData *data;
if (code == NSOKButton) { NSLog(@”ok button was pressed!”); NSLog(@”%@”, [sheet filename]); [theImage initWithContentsOfFile: [sheet filename]]; if ([theImage isValid]) NSLog(@”the image is valid!”); if (![theImage isValid]) NSLog(@”the image is NOT valid!”); NSLog(@”representations: %@”, [theImage representations]);
[gangView setMyImage: theImage]; } }
Yup, you do have a conceptual problem. In ObjectiveC, you need to alloc an image before you initiate it. The proper way to create your image is:
theImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[sheet filename]];
That was it. Thanks.