Is it possible as in CPlusPlus to overload operators in classes?
For example the + operator, so you could do A + B where A and B are both NSNumbers.
No. ObjectiveC is basically C with a preprocessor.
You might be able to use ObjectiveCPlusPlus and implement operator+ for the class as a standalone function.
The problem is that operator functions must have either a class (as in a CPlusPlus class) or an enumerated type as one of its arguments. The only way to really get overloaded operators to work with ObjectiveCPlusPlus is to wrap the ObjC class in a CPlusPlus class. Here is a rather crude example: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
class Number { NSNumber* val; public: Number (int); ~Number ();
int get () const;};
Number::Number (int intVal) { val = NSNumber alloc] initWithInt: intVal]; }
Number::~Number () { [val release]; }
int Number::get () const { return [val intValue]; }
Number operator+ (Number& r, Number& l) { return Number (r.get () + l.get ()); }
int main (int argc, char*’ argv) { Number one = Number (1); Number two = Number (2);
std::cout « (one + two).get () « std::endl; return 0;} This will compile with “g++ -[[ObjC++ -framework Foundation”.
The discussion below was moved from the CPlusPlusInCocoa page to here, where it is more relevant and helpful
How can ObjectiveCPlusPlus be used for OperatorOverloading of either CPlusPlus classes or ObjectiveC classes?
It works the same way as regular C++. In C++ one tends to work with objects, not pointers to objects. ObjectiveC requires pointers to objects.
As someone else has said, you can’t mix the definitions of C++ and Objective-C classes. But you can use pure C++ inside an Objective-C method.
Here is an example. If this looks good to you, (as it does to me) you should use Objective-C++.
(void) print { try { std::string msg(“wrong”);
NSLog(@”This is just %s”, msg.c_str());
// Create an object right here. std::ostringstream out;
out « “This is a message: “ « [self getText];
std::cout « out.str() « std::endl; } catch(std::exception & err) { std::cout « err.what() « std::endl; } catch(…) { std::cout « “Unknown error!” « std::endl; } }
In that case, it would make sense, if one was doing heavy logic calculations, to do them in pure CPlusPlus that acts on input from normal ObjectiveC and that sends output to ObjectiveC.