This lets you easily make a PDFDocument from an array containing PDFPage objects.
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> #import <PDFKit/PDFDocument.h> #import <PDFKit/PDFPage.h>
@interface PDFDocument (CCDAdditions)
// This pair will raise an exception if index is out of bounds.
#import “PDFDocument+CCDAdditions.h”
@implementation PDFDocument (CCDAdditions)
(PDFDocument *)pdfDocumentFromArray:(NSArray *)array { if (!array) return nil; if ([array count] == 0) return nil;
PDFDocument *masterDocument = nil; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [array objectEnumerator]; id anObject;
while (anObject = [enumerator nextObject])
if ([anObject isKindOfClass:[PDFPage class]]) {
if (!masterDocument)
masterDocument = [[PDFDocument alloc] initWithData:[anObject dataRepresentation]];
[masterDocument insertPage:anObject atIndex:[masterDocument pageCount]];
return [masterDocument autorelease]; }
(NSSize)sizeOfPageAtIndex:(unsigned int)index { PDFPage *pdfPage = [self pageAtIndex:index];
if (!pdfPage) return NSZeroSize;
return [pdfPage boundsForBox:kPDFDisplayBoxMediaBox].size; }
(NSSize)sizeInInchesOfPageAtIndex:(unsigned int)index { NSSize size = [self sizeOfPageAtIndex:index]; float width=0, height=0;
// no fair dividing zeros so we check for that...
if (NSEqualSizes(size, NSZeroSize)) return NSZeroSize;
// check each component too.
if (size.width != 0) width = size.width / 72;
if (size.height != 0) height = size.height / 72;
return NSMakeSize(width, height); }
The next-obvious addition would be - (NSArray *)pages;. -addPagesFromArray: or similar would probably be good too.
Borrowed the idea (and some implementation) for the -size… methods from ReadingPDFPageDimensions.
…which will probably break in Leopard due to resolution independence. If this can be fixed now (legally) then please do. Otherwise, I guess we wait.