Is it possible to get the spinning progress indicator images like this?
[[[NSTableView _defaultTableHeaderSortImage] TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile: @”/sort-up.tiff” atomically: YES];
I don’t know, is it? You just gave exact code, and you’re just a compile and a run away from finding out if it works!
Yes but that is a NSTableView sort image, and not the spinning progress…..:)
Ah, I see. The question was unclear. Sorry about the misunderstanding.
The images for widgets like this are buried somewhere in the system folder. A little googling will turn up dozens of sites that tell you where these system resources are …
Yes i know its unsupported
// assuming ‘progress’ is a spinning indicator (or any view, really)…
(NSImage *)image { NSImage *progressImage = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: [progress frame].size];
[progressImage lockFocus];
[progress drawRect:[progress bounds]];
[progressImage unlockFocus];
return [progressImage autorelease]; }
The made the last doe work by doing some modifications. wha?? -I’ve looked trough it again and your code is working, I dont know what i did…..
btw: [NSProgressIndicator _resizedImage:] didnt work…..
How so? It worked when I tried it.
I get an error when i compile….
And the error is ummm…. what?
Please, don’t say “missing argument” - we’d have to disown you ;)
-[[[NSProgressIndicator _resizedImage:] TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile: @”/sort-up.tiff” atomically: YES];
[[[NSProgressIndicator _resizedImage:] TIFFRepresentation] writeToFile: @”/sort-up.tiff” atomically: YES];
I’ve tried both of them and the error is: * parse error before ‘]’ token*
The line -[NSProgressIndicator _resizedImage:] is standard objective-C notation. It refers to a method that you could call like this:
NSImage *image = [progressIndicator _resizedImage:0];
where progressIndicator is an instance of NSProgressIndicator.