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** Dealing with CSV (Comma Separated Values) and TSV (Tab Separated Values) in Cocoa ** —-

After some searching, I’ve found a few approaches to reading and writing CSV and TSV files in Cocoa but no one place where the approaches can be compared. I’m not sure of what developments CoreData brings to this topic but I’ll post updates as I learn. August 10, 2005 - ChrisMurphy

** Relevant Links to Discussions and Code ** —- Dan Wood’s arrayFromTSV NSString category approach to importing TSV’s into a NSMutableArray:

Note this follow up post about line endings:

This gives some insight into how Dan Wood’s arrayFromTSV NSString category works: ReadFileLines

Relevant discussion ‘How best to archive in CSV format’:

The Rothstein approach:

Dealing with giant CSV files (includes JayFenton’s CSV parser that handles Excel “quoted” output): CreatingObjectsFromTextData

More on importing Excel CSV files: TableFromExcel

(No longer works) Exporting into Excel CSV format:

Exporting tab delimited data to the pasteboard:

Importing CSV files in CoreData and typecasting strings:

Possibly outdated and offtopic (now that we have CocoaBindings) discussion about dealing with NSTableView…CSV and TSV’s mentioned:

I have created an NSString extension to turn an NSString containing CSV data into an array of records: - DavidThorpe

There exists a good BSD-licensed utility to parse CSV files from Michael Stapelberg:

I recently factored out the CSV parsing code from an app I have and made it available as an embedable framework with source (under MIT License):

Public-domain code: NSString category, to make an NSString into NSArray, parsing the CSV with an NSScanner, and taking into account escape quotes and carriage returns:

CSV writer library:

** Applications ** —- CSVEdit demonstrates one way of doing it!

** Post Questions and Comments Below ** —- It seems two most-used ways to do something like this are to use NSArray’s componentsJoinedByString: method and using an NSMutableString as a buffer (which NSArray is probably doing anyway). Are there any easier ways?

Maybe write a category? It’s pretty straightforward, and not that tedious.

** Another simple class to read CSV files - cCSVParse ** —- Quoted from :

cCSVParse is a Cocoa-class (Apple�s Objective-C Framework), which parses CSV-files quickly and efficiently. The focus lies on being able to handle all typical features of the non-standardized CSV-format. These include:

Correctly recognizing separators in quoted entries Quotes in quoted entries Newlines in entries Ability to chose any separator and automatically recognizing the used separator in a file These features are the reason why you can�t just split an NSString ;-).

The function which parses the data is written in C and uses C-strings to reach the highest possible speed. The values are returned as NSStrings in an NSMutableArray for each line.

The whole class (including the headers) is only 218 lines of code big (according to SLOCCount) and can therefore be integrated in any project or at least be used as a base for own code.

Using the method -(void)setEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)newEncoding you can set the encoding of the file which should be parsed, so you don�t have to convert the data by yourself.