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I have a binary file that represents some information (surprise!) and I would like to parse its values into an NSDictionary for use in my Cocoa application. I have the C code necessary to parse the file, however I want to do it using Cocoa.

For starters, I need to validate the file… the file has a signature in the first 4 bytes, such as “\0BOB”.

How can I get this value and compare it, so I know it is the right format of a file?

I’ve tried a bunch of things with NSData to no avail :-/

NSData * fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:@”myfile.bob”]; if(memcmp([fileData bytes], “\0BOB”, 4) != 0) { //complain }

–DavidVierra (clarification by KritTer)

The above in addition to ensuring that the length of the read data is indeed at least 4 bytes beforehand.

If there is a predefined structure for your format, you can also assign a pointer to one and use it for validation.

enum { MYFORMAT_SIG = ‘\0BOB’ };

typedef struct MYFORMAT { uint32_t signature; // additional members here. // watch for alignment issues. } MYFORMAT;

. . .

if ([fileData length] >= sizeof(MYFORMAT)) { const MYFORMAT *const pData = [fileData bytes]; if (NULL != pData && MYFORMAT_SIG == pData->signature) { // PARTY ON THE STRUCT… } }

The enum works as your signature is 4 bytes…

Question: When using the line above const MYFORMAT *const pData = [fileData bytes]; does that put the first n bytes from [fileData bytes] into pData where n is sizeof(MYFORMAT)?

No, It is just treating the pointer returned from [fileData bytes] as a pointer of type MYFORMAT. It does not copy any data whatsoever.

Ah! I thought there might be a more Cocoa way of doing it, but this is basically the same as my C code… however it does help! Thank you!

Objective-C is a pure superset of C. Never be afraid to use that fact. If you have a C way of doing things that does the job well, by all means use it.

I much prefer Objective-C only, wherever possible :)

Now, I’ve come to a stumbling block :-/

/* For endian neutrality / u_int32_t le32(u_int32_t bits) { � �u_int8_t *bytes; � �bytes = (u_int8_t)&bits; � �return(bytes[0] | (bytes[1]«8) | (bytes[2]«16) | (bytes[3]«24)); }

There is this function, I don’t think it works properly on OS X/PPC. Any ideas why? Also have an le16…

Looks like a byte-order flip to me.

If this code is being ported from an little-endian architecture you can probably just stub these out for big-endian architectures such as the PowerPC. There are standard posix functions for performing these tasks as well, take a look at htonl, htons, ntohl, and ntohs (again, no-ops on PowerPC).

Don’t forget the _lhbrx and _lwbrx functions defined in ppc_intrinsics.h. If you need to byteswap from little-endian format, they will do a load and a byteswap in a single instruction.