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Question: How do I SEND/RECEIVE a SOAP message via Cocoa, to a WSDL server that normally expects Java I/O?

Background: I’m given some Java code that sends/receives a SOAP envelope (XML data) to a server:

** Goal: *To *mimic the Java version in ObjC: exchange SOAP envelope (XML data) between ObjC client and a Server (black box).

Java Code:

private String SOAP_SERVER_URL = "";   // <-- target
private final String SOAP_ACTION = "";  // <-- action

// 1) Function soapReqHeader : Returns the SOAP header string    
private String soapReqHeader() {
    String header = ""; 
    header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Envelope xmlns:tns=\"\" xmlns:ns1=\"\" xmlns:xsi=\"\" >\r\n"
    + "<tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:Request tns:actor=\"\" tns:mustUnderstand=\"0\">\r\n"
    + "<ns1:ReceiverKey></ns1:ReceiverKey>\r\n";
    return header;      
} // end soapReqHeader()

// 2) Function soapAuthenticate : Returns the SOAP authentication string    
private String soapAuthenticate() {
    String authstr = "<ns1:Authentication>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:XDDSAuth>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:RequesterID>M2F" + " " + userName + "</ns1:RequesterID>\r\n" 
    + "<ns1:Password>" + passWord + "</ns1:Password>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:XDDSAuth>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:Authentication>\r\n";
    return authstr;
} // end soapAuthenticate()

// 3) Function soapReqForJobList : Returns the SOAP request string for job list   
private String soapReqForJobList() {
    String jlreq = "</ns1:Request>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Body>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobListRequest>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobListRequestFilters>\r\n" 
    + "<ns1:JobEntryWindow>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:Minutes>" + faxMinutes + "</ns1:Minutes>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobEntryWindow>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobListRequestFilters>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobListRequest>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Body>\r\n";
    return jlreq;
}  // end soapReqForJobList()

// 4) Function soapReqForJobSummary : Returns the SOAP request string for job summary    
private String soapReqForJobSummary() {
    String jsreq = "</ns1:Request>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Body>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobSummaryRequest>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:XDN>" + faxDomain + "</ns1:XDN>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:MRN>" + jobID + "</ns1:MRN>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobSummaryRequest>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Body>\r\n";
    return jsreq;
}  // end soapReqForJobSummary()

// 5) Function soapReqForJobDelivery : Returns the SOAP request string for job delivery    
private String soapReqForJobDelivery() {
    String jsubreq = "</ns1:Request>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Body>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobDeliveryStatusRequest>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:XDN>" + faxDomain + "</ns1:XDN>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:MRN>" + jobID + "</ns1:MRN>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobDeliveryStatusRequest>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Body>\r\n";
    return jsubreq;
}  // end soapReqForJobDelivery()

// 6) Function soapReqForJobResend : Returns the SOAP request string for job resend   
private String soapReqForJobResend() {
    String jresend = "</ns1:Request>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Body>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:ResendRequest xmlns=\"\">\r\n"
    + "<ns1:Resend>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:XDN>" + faxDomain + "</ns1:XDN>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:MRN>" + jobID + "</ns1:MRN>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:Schedule>express</ns1:Schedule>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:ResendSpec><ns1:ItemSpec xqn=\"1\"></ns1:ItemSpec></ns1:ResendSpec>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:Resend>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:ResendRequest>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Body>\r\n";
    return jresend;
} // end soapReqForJobResend()
// 7) Function soapReqForJobCancel : Returns the SOAP request string for job resend    
private String soapReqForJobCancel() {
    String jcancel = "</ns1:Request>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Header>\r\n"
    + "<tns:Body>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobCancelRequest>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:CancelItem>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:XDN>" + faxDomain + "</ns1:XDN>\r\n"
    + "<ns1:MRN>" + jobID + "</ns1:MRN>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobId>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:CancelItem>\r\n"
    + "</ns1:JobCancelRequest>\r\n"
    + "</tns:Body>";
    return jcancel;
} // end soapReqForJobCancel()

// 8) Function soapReqFooter : Returns the SOAP request string for job list   
private String soapReqFooter() {
    String footer = "</tns:Envelope>\r\n";
    return footer;
} // end soapReqFooter()

// ======================================================================================================================================
// Function soapReqAndResp : Sends SOAP request and receives the SOAP response. {Called from CONTROLLER section}  
public String soapReqAndResp(int reqcat) {
    byte[] data = null;
    int status = 0; 
    String xmlreq = ""; 
    String xmlhdr = "";
    String xmldata = "";  
    StreamConnection xmlstream = null;
    HttpConnection connection = null;
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

// Function soapReqAndResp : Sends SOAP request and receives the SOAP response. {Called from CONTROLLER section}  
public String soapReqAndResp(int reqcat) {
    byte[] data = null;
    int status = 0; 
    String xmlreq = ""; 
    String xmlhdr = "";
    String xmldata = "";  
    StreamConnection xmlstream = null;
    HttpConnection connection = null;
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    synchronized (this) {      
        try {    
            // Using BES
            xmlstream = (StreamConnection) + ";deviceside=false",Connector.READ_WRITE,true);
            connection = (HttpConnection)xmlstream;
            connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");
            //  Build the Header: 
            //                          (1)                                  (2)
            xmlhdr = soapReqHeader() + soapAuthenticate();

            //  Build the Request:                     
            if (REQ_FOR_JOBLIST == reqcat) {
                xmlreq = xmlhdr + soapReqForJobList();         // (3)
            } else if (REQ_FOR_JOBSUMMARY == reqcat) {
                xmlreq = xmlhdr + soapReqForJobSummary();      // (4)   
            } else if (REQ_FOR_JOBDSTATUS == reqcat) {
                xmlreq = xmlhdr + soapReqForJobDelivery();     // (5)    
            } else if (REQ_FOR_JOB_RESEND == reqcat) {
                xmlreq = xmlhdr + soapReqForJobResend();       // (6)
            } else if (REQ_FOR_JOB_CANCEL == reqcat) {
                xmlreq = xmlhdr + soapReqForJobCancel();       // (7)
            xmlreq = xmlreq + soapReqFooter();   // (8)
            // -------------------------------- Send Request -------------------------------
           OutputStream out = connection.openOutputStream();
            out.write(xmlreq.getBytes()); // Note: 'xmlreq' is type String.
            // -------------------------------- Get Response -------------------------------
            // Get the connection status
            status = connection.getResponseCode();
            if (HttpConnection.HTTP_OK != status) {
                xmldata = "";  
            } else {
                // Open an input stream to receive the server response
                final InputStream instream = connection.openInputStream();


1) The Java version allows you to set the connection method via:

connection.setRequestMethod(HttpConnection.POST); connection.setRequestProperty(“Content-Type”, “text/xml; charset=utf-8”); connection.setRequestProperty(“SOAPAction”,SOAP_ACTION);

2) Behaviors/Characteristics & Authentication are set within the SOAP envelope as shown in the sample code above.

3) The following is the target & action pointers:

private String SOAP_SERVER_URL = "";   // <-- target
private final String SOAP_ACTION = "";  // <-- action

4) I’ve created ObjC stubs via Apple’s WSMakeStub using a * local copy * of the .WSDL file. The code isn’t pretty.

Question #1: Can I use the stubs and point the link to SOAP_SERVER_URL?

Question #2: I notice that many of the action stubs are also declared within the SOAP message (e.g., Authentication/Cancel, etc.).

For example, Request for Job Cancel is declared in BOTH the SOAP message & the Stub:

Here’s a piece of the SOAP message sent to the server:

// 7) Function soapReqForJobCancel : Returns the SOAP request string for job resend
private String soapReqForJobCancel() { String jcancel = “</ns1:Request>\r\n” + “</tns:Header>\r\n” + “\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "" + faxDomain + "\r\n" + "" + jobID + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "\r\n" + "”; return jcancel; }

…apparently reflects the following stub:

** Question 3: ** So, do I work with the [[ObjC stubs and keep the XML Envelope as was generated in the Java version? Or must I remove the respective XML control statements from the SOAP and go for the ObjC stubs?

** Question 4: ** What type of parameter to I use here? In the XML version I have the JobID and faxDomain. How would I represent it within the setParameters statement of the JobCancel stub?

** Question 5: ** Is there a better/easier way to do all this (suitable for iPhone work)?
