I have a custom view in a window and I would like to have the drawing in the view scale as the window is resized. How might that best be achieved?
Maybe you could use something like this simplistic view-zooming behavior in a custom view subclass, where the zooming behavior is coupled to the before-and-after frame sizes of your view relative to the resizing operation
Live redrawing of a complicated view might be messy…
It’s also gonna be up to you to figure out how to trap your resizing events, unless someone else wants to help.
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Disclaimer: this is fairly nasty code - for instance, it is probably taking on waaaaaaay too much for an accessor method…I was pretty inexperienced when I wrote this code, but it worked for me and I never fixed it.
If somebody has better idea then we will both learn something.
// Setter accessor for a scaleFactor ivar in your zoomable view
( void ) setScaleFactor: ( float ) aFactor // you get this parameter by using your before and after sizes { if ( scaleFactor != aFactor ) // scaleFactor is the last known scale relative to some unit size { float delta = aFactor / scaleFactor; scaleFactor = aFactor; [ [ self contentView ] scaleUnitSquareToSize: NSMakeSize( delta, delta ) ]; // here is the rescaling }
[ nzView setFrame: [ [ self contentView ] frame ] ]; // nzView is an outlet to the non-zooming superclass of the [ nzView setNeedsDisplayInRect: [ nzView bounds ] ]; // zoomable view that this code came from }