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(This page derives from the ScanningStrings question, but because the question itself is very different, I felt it deserved it’s own page.)

I’m working on a piece of code that goes into a TextView subclass and highlights quotes (and handles escapes quotes and checks for being in a comment first, etc.). It works, almost perfectly - except for a rather minor snag. I can scan up to a ‘#’ (A PHP one-line comment character) and it works fine. But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to be able to scan up to multiple characters (i.e. a “//”). So basically, how would I go about making the scanner recognize a //, /*, and */ even though they are not single characters. My code is below.

Thanks in Advance!

NSCharacterSet *charSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"\"\'#\n\r"];
NSScanner * theScanner = [NSScanner scannerWithString:[self string]];
[theScanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceCharacterSet]];

BOOL inQuote = NO;
BOOL inSQuote = NO;
BOOL inComment = NO;
BOOL inBlockComment = NO;

unsigned int quotePosition;
while ([theScanner isAtEnd] == NO)
    if ([theScanner scanString:@"\"" intoString:NULL])
        if (self substringWithRange:[[NSMakeRange([theScanner scanLocation]-2,1)]isEqualToString:@"\\"] == NO)
            if (inQuote)
                [self colorRange:NSMakeRange(quotePosition-1,[theScanner scanLocation]-quotePosition+1)withColor:[NSColor redColor]];
                inQuote = NO;
            } else if (inQuote == NO && inSQuote == NO && inComment == NO && inBlockComment == NO)
                inQuote = YES;
                quotePosition = [theScanner scanLocation];

    if ([theScanner scanString:@"\'" intoString:NULL])
        if (self substringWithRange:[[NSMakeRange([theScanner scanLocation]-2,1)]isEqualToString:@"\\"] == NO)
            if (inSQuote)
                [self colorRange:NSMakeRange(quotePosition-1,[theScanner scanLocation]-quotePosition+1)withColor:[NSColor redColor]];
                inSQuote = NO;
            } else if (inQuote == NO && inSQuote == NO && inComment == NO && inBlockComment == NO)
                inSQuote = YES;
                quotePosition = [theScanner scanLocation];

    if ([theScanner scanString:@"#" intoString:NULL] || [theScanner scanString:@"//" intoString:NULL])
        if (inQuote == NO && inSQuote == NO)
            inComment = YES;

    if ([theScanner scanString:@"\n" intoString:NULL] || [theScanner scanString:@"\r" intoString:NULL])
        if (inComment)
            inComment = NO;

    if ([theScanner scanString:@"/*" intoString:NULL])
        inBlockComment = YES;

    if ([theScanner scanString:@"*/" intoString:NULL])
        inBlockComment = NO;

    [theScanner scanUpToCharactersFromSet:charSet intoString:nil];