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Hello, I wrote a small test application to see if it is feasible to detect if a user is running SerialSeeker (pirated serial numbers)…I may not end up using it anywhere, but I decided that it may benefit someone.

The app looks for SerialSeeked when launched, and can detect if SerialSeeker is launched anytime when the app is running.

You’ll probably end up getting the spotlight placed uncomfortably on your head for “policing” practices like that. What happens if something goes wrong and a misjudgment accidently accuses a user of piracy? What a fun PR event that would be. :-)

	if (app objectForKey:@"[[NSApplicationName"] isEqualToString:@"SerialSeeker"] || app objectForKey:@"[[NSApplicationBundleIdentifier"] isEqualToString:@"org.crackezz.serialseeker"]) {
		running = YES;

Well, that’s pretty solid code. It’s very unlikely that legit apps have org.crackezz.serialseeker as their bundle ID! - EmanueleVulcano aka l0ne

I, as a software developer, frequently download and run applications such as SerialBox in order to search for codes to my applications that I can blacklist. Does that mean your software is going to treat me like a pirate?

Consider a user who runs SerialBox and perhaps even uses codes from it on occasion, but he paid for your app. Is your app going to treat him like a pirate?

This stuff always backfires far more than it helps. If you really want to maximize sales, I recommend doing the following, in order:

*Make a good app *Make an app that people will want to buy *Use a serial number scheme that is difficult or impossible to create a serial number generator for *Blacklist the serial numbers that show up in the aforementioned apps

– PrimeOperator

I agree with many of the points stated here (I am the original poster), and I opted to not use it. ‘Twas just a test of if it could be done reliably, which apparently, it can. The most I imagined doing with this code was showing a warning saying to not pirate software or something.