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I have subclassed General/NSTextFieldCell to use in my General/NSTableView - just want to center my text vertically, so very simple.

My subclassed General/NSTextFieldCell now does what I want it to - buuuut - it no longer responds to doubleclicks for editting in the tableview.

Here’s how I tell the TV to use my new cell:

//Use special “centralising” cell for the groups tableview column 1 (group names) General/NSTableColumn* col = [groupTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:@”General/GroupName”]; General/PLCenteredTVCell* centeredCell = General/[[PLCenteredTVCell alloc] init]; [col setDataCell:centeredCell];

So I think I need to set the target and action to something here - but I don’t know what… what should I do?

Thanks for the help!!

General/PLCenteredTVCell* centeredCell = General/[[PLCenteredTVCell alloc] initTextCell:@""];


Thanks - but still can’t get it to work :-(

The tableview delegate method: tableView shouldEditTableColumn:… … does get called and I return YES, but I see no editing box appear for my cell. This even happens if my subclass does absolutely nothing more than be a subclass for General/NSTextFieldCell (i.e. I have overridden no methods, and implemented no new ones either).

Any ideas?

Weird, perhaps you do need to set the target/action then, which you should be able to get from the default dataCell. When I’ve done the same I just poseAsClass (one line vs several, even if it’s icky) and in drawWithFrame:inView: I check to see that the controlView is a table before I modify the rect (see General/CCDGradientSelectionTableView). HTH

The only two things I can think of are; one, you might have to tell the column that it is editable [col setEditable:YES] and the other things could be that the text cell is not able to find the window’s field editor. I thought that the setDataCell: method would take care of this for you but I’m not sure. –zootbobbalu

That makes sense, make sure it’s editable! *slapping forehead And I just checked, both the target and action are nil. :/*

To set the target/action, do this:

//Use special “centralising” cell for the groups tableview column 1 (group names) General/NSTableColumn* col = [groupTableView tableColumnWithIdentifier:@”General/GroupName”]; General/PLCenteredTVCell* centeredCell = General/[[PLCenteredTVCell alloc] init]; // Use initTextCell: if you want default text General/NSCell *oldDataCell = [col dataCell]; [centeredCell setAction:[oldDataCell action]]; [centeredCell setTarget:[oldDataCell target]]; [centeredCell setEditable:YES]; // or NO if you don’t want an editable cell [col setDataCell:centeredCell];

Thanks so much - all that effort really is very gratefully received - made my day! :-D