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It happens after the drop onto the table.

On what line?

Also, the “if ([supportedFiletypes containsObject:[filePath pathExtension]])” statement does not seem to limit files types dropped as it should.

What do supportedFiletypes and filePath contain at that point?

Here’s the code:

#import “ac3xController.h”

typedef enum { ac3xUnencoded, ac3xEncoding, ac3xEncoded } ac3xEncodingState;

@interface Ac3xFile : General/NSObject { @private

General/NSString *filePath;
ac3xEncodingState fileState; }


@implementation Ac3xFile


@implementation Ac3xController

// joar // You should always implement a dealloc method - you’re leaking memory as it is now








// joar // Not used? /*

} */










General/NSEnumerator *enumerator = [sourceTable selectedRowEnumerator]; id object; int i = 0; while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) { General/NSLog(@”%@”,object); [files removeObjectAtIndex:[object intValue]-i]; i++; }

[sourceTable reloadData]; }




Thanks for your help!


You gotta be more specific. When exactly does the problem occur? While you’re dragging? When you start the drag? When you end the drag?

Editor’s Note: thanks to joar for trying to debug this code; where advice is given, comments have been inserted in the code