It happens after the drop onto the table.
On what line?
Also, the “if ([supportedFiletypes containsObject:[filePath pathExtension]])” statement does not seem to limit files types dropped as it should.
What do supportedFiletypes and filePath contain at that point?
Here’s the code:
#import “ac3xController.h”
typedef enum { ac3xUnencoded, ac3xEncoding, ac3xEncoded } ac3xEncodingState;
@interface Ac3xFile : General/NSObject { @private
General/NSString *filePath;
ac3xEncodingState fileState; }
(id) fileWithPath:(General/NSString *) aPath;
(ac3xEncodingState) encodingState;
@implementation Ac3xFile
(id) initWithPath:(General/NSString *) aPath { if ((self = [super init]) != nil) { filePath = [aPath copy]; fileState = ac3xUnencoded; }
return self; }
(void) dealloc { [filePath release];
[super dealloc]; }
(id) fileWithPath:(General/NSString *) aPath { return General/[self alloc] initWithPath: aPath] autorelease]; }
([[NSString *) filePath { return filePath; }
(ac3xEncodingState) encodingState { return fileState; }
(void) setEncoding { fileState = ac3xEncoding; }
(void) setEncoded { fileState = ac3xEncoded; }
@implementation Ac3xController
// joar // You should always implement a dealloc method - you’re leaking memory as it is now
(void) dealloc { [files release];
[super dealloc]; }
(void) awakeFromNib { // joar // This can all be done in Interface Builder // id cell; // General/NSTableColumn *imageColumn = [sourceTable tableColumnWithIdentifier:@”image”]; // cell = General/[NSImageCell new]; // Use of the “new” method is discouraged // [imageColumn setDataCell:cell];
files = General/[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[sourceTable setDoubleAction:@selector(encodeFile:)];
[sourceTable registerForDraggedTypes:General/[NSArray arrayWithObjects:General/NSFilenamesPboardType,nil]];
// joar // Should not the controller (ie. “self”) be the receiver of the notification? // I have also commented it out until the callback methdod is implemented // General/[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: sourceTable selector: @selector(abortEncode:) name: General/NSApplicationWillTerminateNotification object:General/NSApp]; }
(id)tableView:(General/NSTableView *)view objectValueForTableColumn:(General/NSTableColumn *)col row:(int)row { Ac3xFile *selectedFile = [files objectAtIndex: row];
if (General/col identifier] isEqualTo: @”image”]) { return [[self class] imageForState: [selectedFile encodingState; } else if (General/col identifier] isEqualTo: @”source”]) { return [selectedFile filePath]; } else if ([[col identifier] isEqualTo: @”status”]) { return [[self class] statusStringForState: [selectedFile encodingState; } return nil;
// joar // Not used? /*
} */
(BOOL)tableView:(General/NSTableView*)tv acceptDrop:(id <General/NSDraggingInfo>)info row:(int)row dropOperation:(General/NSTableViewDropOperation)op {
General/NSPasteboard *myPasteboard=[info draggingPasteboard]; General/NSArray *typeArray=General/[NSArray arrayWithObjects:General/NSFilenamesPboardType,nil]; General/NSArray *filenames = [myPasteboard propertyListForType:General/NSFilenamesPboardType]; General/NSArray *supportedFiletypes = General/[NSArray arrayWithObjects:@”dv”, @”VOB”, nil];
General/NSString filePath,availableType; General/NSArray *filesList; int i;
availableType=[myPasteboard availableTypeFromArray:typeArray]; filesList=[myPasteboard propertyListForType:availableType];
// joar // You’re assigning an autoreleased object instance to an instance variable - not good // In the general case this would have led to a crash // statusImage = General/[NSImage imageNamed: @”blue”]; // Same here really. OK, so a static string doesn’t have to be retained, but it’s best to // learn to use proper memory management routines at all times // statusText = @””;
for (i = 0; i < [filesList count]; i++) { if ([supportedFiletypes containsObject: [filePath pathExtension]]) { [self addFileAtPath: filePath]; } }
[sourceTable reloadData];
filePath=General/filesList objectAtIndex:i]lastPathComponent];
if ([supportedFiletypes containsObject:[filePath pathExtension) {
[files insertObject:filePath atIndex:row+i]; }
[sourceTable reloadData];
[sourceTable selectRow:row+i-1 byExtendingSelection:NO]; */
return YES; // } }
(General/IBAction)addFile:(id)sender {
int result; General/NSArray* fileTypes = General/[NSArray arrayWithObjects: @”dv”, @”VOB”, nil]; General/NSOpenPanel *oPanel = General/[NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[oPanel setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES]; result = [oPanel runModalForDirectory:General/NSHomeDirectory() file:nil types:fileTypes];
if (result == General/NSOKButton)
General/NSArray filesToOpen = [oPanel filenames];
int i, count = [filesToOpen count];
for (i=0; i<count; i++)
[self addFileAtPath: [filesToOpen objectAtIndex: i]];
General/NSString *aFile = General/filesToOpen objectAtIndex: i] lastPathComponent];
[files insertObject:aFile atIndex:i];
[sourceTable reloadData];
[sourceTable selectRow:[files count]-1 byExtendingSelection:NO];
General/NSEnumerator *enumerator = [sourceTable selectedRowEnumerator]; id object; int i = 0; while (object = [enumerator nextObject]) { General/NSLog(@”%@”,object); [files removeObjectAtIndex:[object intValue]-i]; i++; }
[sourceTable reloadData]; }
(General/IBAction) encode:(id) sender { int selectedRow = [sourceTable selectedRow];
if (selectedRow >= 0) { Ac3xFile *selectedFile = [files objectAtIndex: selectedRow];
[selectedFile setEncoding]; }
/* { // joar // You’re assigning an autoreleased object instance to an instance variable - not good // In the general case this would have led to a crash // statusImage = General/[NSImage imageNamed: @”green”]; // Same here really. OK, so a static string doesn’t have to be retained, but it’s best to // learn to use proper memory management routines at all times // statusText = @”Encoding…”; } */
[sourceTable reloadData];
Thanks for your help!
You gotta be more specific. When exactly does the problem occur? While you’re dragging? When you start the drag? When you end the drag?
Editor’s Note: thanks to joar for trying to debug this code; where advice is given, comments have been inserted in the code