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OK. Here we go. All I need to do is take several floats in an array - let’s call it myArray [6] - and concatenate them into a single string, separated by a delimiter. This will be sent out to a text field (called myTextField). I’d like to do something like

[myTextField setStringValue:(@”%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d”, myArray [5], myArray [4], myArray [3], myArray [2], myArray [1], myArray [0])];

but I think I need some kind typecasting.

If someone would be so kind as to advice this poor n00b (me), I’d appreciate it!

OK! I got it with help from

I went as such:

[myTextField setStringValue: General/[NSString stringWithFormat:@”%g, %g, %g, %g, %g, %g”, myArray [5], myArray [4], myArray [3], myArray [2], myArray [1], myArray [0])]];