I’d like to set the text completions in a column of a table view. What I’ve seen about text completion implies that I need to subclass General/NSTextView, and General/NSTableView isn’t a subclass of General/NSTextView and doesn’t seem to have a way of obtaining its textView either.
I’ve tried using an General/NSFormatter, but I haven’t even been able to make that extend what the user has typed into one of the valid strings I want. (The application is a bug tracker; I’d like to have a column for status entries that could be “Open”, “Fixed”, “Not reproducible”, etc.)
Hitting “escape” in the table does bring up a LONG list of default completions, so the basic functionality is there, I just need to figure out a way to set the completion list.
See General/FieldEditor. The executive summary is that editing in tables is handled by a special instance of General/NSTextView with the cell set as its delegate, so you can just subclass that and use the text completion delegate methods.
Fast reply!
I’ve tried some code based on the examples in General/FieldEditor and General/CustomFieldEditor without any luck so far.
// in General/MyDocument.h
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(General/NSWindowController *) aController {
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
General/NSLog(@”Mydocument windowControllerDidLoadNib\n”);
fieldEditor = General/[[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame:General/NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0,0)];
[fieldEditor setEditable:YES];
[fieldEditor setFieldEditor:YES];
[fieldEditor setSelectable:YES];
[fieldEditor setDelegate:self];
[fieldEditor retain];
// This method functions as I expect
- (id) windowWillReturnFieldEditor:(General/NSWindow *)sender toObject:(id)anObject {
General/NSLog(@”windowWillReturnFieldEditor called\n”);
if (anObject == tableView) {
General/NSLog(@”\tIt’s a call for the tableView’s editor\n”);
return fieldEditor;
} else {
return nil;
// This one never gets called, and I can’t figure out why
- (General/NSArray *) textView:(General/NSTextView *)textView
completions:(General/NSArray *)words
indexOfSelectedItem:(int *)index {
General/NSLog(@”Finding completions…\n”);
int iStatus = [tableView columnWithIdentifier:@”Status”];
// int iPriority = [tableView columnWithIdentifier:@”Priority”];
General/NSString *string = General/textView string] substringWithRange:charRange];
[[NSArray *names = nil;
General/NSMutableArray *completions = General/[NSMutableArray array];
if ([tableView editedColumn] == iStatus) {
names = General/[[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:
@”Not reproducible”,
@”Won’t fix”,
@”By design”,
if (names) {
int i;
General/NSRange whereFound;
for (i = 0; i < [names count]; i++) {
General/NSString *name = [names objectAtIndex:i];
whereFound = [name rangeOfString:string options:General/NSCaseInsensitiveSearch];
if ((whereFound.location == 0) && (whereFound.length > 0)) {
[completions addObject:name];
return completions;
Any thoughts on what I’m forgetting?