Tracking Mouse Position snippet:
//declare rect
General/NSRect myRect = General/NSMakeRect(10,10,30,90);
General/NSPoint loc = General/self window] mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream];
[[NSLog(@"%s",General/[NSStringFromPoint(loc) cString]);
// General/NSLog(@"rect is: %s",General/[NSStringFromRect(parentFrame) cString]);
if ([self mouse:loc inRect:myRect]){
General/NSLog(@"got it!");
[testWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
[testWindow setAlphaValue:.5];
[self animateVortex];
keywords: tracking, hotspot, hotzone, mouseposition
Also General/[NSEvent mouseLocation]
Exports the current mouse position, in screen coordinates. Similar to General/NSWindow�s mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, this method returns the location regardless of the current event or pending events. The difference between these methods is that mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream returns a point in the receiving window�s coordinates and mouseLocation returns the same information in screen coordinates. *