How do you find the General/NSImage for a specific user? (i.e. like that shown on the login window)
How about this?
General/NSData* imgData = General/[[[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] me] imageData]; General/NSImage *userImage = General/[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];
No, I would like the images for all/any-of the users.
Currently my address book shows two people - me and apple. The other two registered users on my machine don’t show up.
If you have the users uid (in this case 503) then you could just load the image from:
Is there a way to get a user’s associated image that doesn’t involve the address book framework?
Yep you could use General/DirectoryServices, specifically dsAttrTypeStandard:Picture I believe theres some sample code online demonstrating this, although I couldn’t find it with a quick google search.
It seems like DS may be a good route. One question to the original poster: (out of curiosity) why can’t you use the AB framework? It is for a daemon or a web thingie?
No, I’m just writing a framework, and for simplicity’s sake I would like to not rely on the AB framework, especially if it’s for one line of code that gets the user’s image.
With all due respect, that’s a kind of funny reason, considering you only have to link against the framework, and all you need to do is something like General/NSData *imageData = General/[[[ABAddressBook sharedAddressBook] me] imageData]; General/NSImage *userImage = General/[[NSImage alloc] initWithData:imageData];. If you used any other method, you would have much more code (it would certainly be much less simple). Don’t be afraid to link!
He or she wants to grab the user icon for any user on the machine; not just the user currently logged in, or those who happen to be in the address book. Also, keep in mind that if you do use the address book, the me method may return nil in some special cases. So, although it seems like a good solution for some projects, it’s not what the original poster needs in this case.
Yes, and I still have no good solution, the best I came up with was by using the users uid, e.g. for uid=503 then “/Library/Caches/” - this file is actually a tiff. (and older versions of OSX used to name it .tiff rather than .userImage)
This is very bad to rely on. As the name implies, anything in Caches is, well, a cache, and can disappear at any moment. The contents of Caches exist only to make things faster, and anything stored there should be able to be recreated if deleted. The General/DirectoryServices approach is the correct one here.