Lex and Yacc are tools which allow you to create text scanners and parsers. If you’re looking to develop a calculator, compiler or anything which needs to decompose a series of text statements into something a computer can understand, you can use Lex and Yacc to do this.
Lex will accept a sequence of characters and use rules you specify to spit out a series of symbolic tokens. http://goo.gl/General/OeSCu
Yacc will take the symbolic tokens and will construct a semantic tree (or simply execute code) based on matching rules that you specify.
If you simply want a Lexical analyser, the General/NSScanner class could be used. But if you want to be able to parse more complex things then the Lex and Yacc combination is a good choice and can be used directly within General/XCode. There’s plenty of documentation available on making the rules, which I won’t cover here. But I will cover how it works with Objective-C. There is also an O’Reilly book called “Building Cocoa Applications” (General/BookBuildingCocoaApplications) which describes how to create a calculator parser, but they completely chicken out of integrating it directly into Objective C for some reason, and pipe the input and output through to a C program instead.
I firstly define a “Node” class which is the superclass of the following kinds of node: S
+(General/StringNode* )stringWithQuotedCString:(const char* )cString; +(General/BooleanNode* )trueNode; +(General/BooleanNode* )falseNode; +(General/NumberNode* )numberWithCString:(const char* )cString; +(General/IdentifierNode* )identifierWithCString:(const char* )cString; +(General/FunctionNode* )function:(Node* )theFunction withArray:(Node* )theNode; +(General/ArrayNode* )arrayWithNode:(Node* )theArrayOrNode withNode:(Node* )theNode;
My expression parser is very simple and will accept the following kinds of expressions:
(a AND b) (a OR b) NOT(a) AND(a,b) 1 + 2 4 - 3 a := 100 a = 100 (a = ‘foo’) OR (b = TRUE)
These will end up being expressed in the following manner when passed through Lex and Yacc:
General/FunctionNode(@”AND”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/IdentifierNode(@”b”),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”OR”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/IdentifierNode(@”b”),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”NOT”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”AND”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/IdentifierNode(@”b”),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”PLUS”,General/ArrayNode(General/NumberNode(1),General/NumberNode(2),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”MINUS”,General/ArrayNode(General/NumberNode(4),General/NumberNode(3),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”ASSIGN”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/NumberNode(100),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”EQUALS”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/NumberNode(100),nil)) General/FunctionNode(@”OR”,General/ArrayNode(General/FunctionNode(@”EQUALS”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”a”),General/StringNode(@”foo”))),General/FunctionNode(@”EQUALS”,General/ArrayNode(General/IdentifierNode(@”b”),General/BooleanNode(YES)))
These look much more complicated, but are trival for the computer to evaluate programmatically. To achieve this, create your two “rules” files. The file extensions contain “m” to indicate they are Objective-C files rather than plain old C.
Finally, an Objective-C class called E
Note there is one global variable which contains the current parsed node. Because lex
and yacc use global variables, there can only be one evaluator running at any one time.
You can return a shared evaluator object [E
So, you can now parse an expression:
Node* theExpression = General/[[ExpressionEvaluator sharedEvaluator] parse:@”(a_variable = ‘test’) AND (b_variable = 102)”];
The parse method will return a nil value and throw an exception in the case of a syntax error.
When an expression is parsed successfully, a Node object is returned, which may be a B
@implementation Node
-(General/NSObject* )evaluateWithDictionary:(General/NSDictionary* )theDictionary { return nil; }
Each Node subclass will need to implement this abstract method. The method should return an General/NSObject (which will likely be an General/NSNumber or General/NSString). I have included a “dictionary” argument so that a dictionary of variable key/value pairs can be used when evaluating the I
@implementation General/IdentifierNode
-(General/NSObject* )evaluateWithDictionary:(General/NSDictionary* )theDictionary { General/NSObject* theValue = [theDictionary objectForKey:[self identifier]]; if(theValue==nil) { General/[[NSException exceptionWithName:@”General/VariableNotFoundException” reason:General/[NSString stringWithFormat:@”Variable not found: %@”,[self identifier]] userInfo:nil] raise]; } return theValue; }
The only complicated method is the F
This includes a “T