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General/VariableArgumentMethods are methods that take a variable number of arguments, such as General/NSString stringWithFormat:.

stringWithFormat: accepts a formating argument, and then a number of arguments after that.

General/[NSString stringWithFormat: @”class is %@ and selector is %s”, General/NSObject, @selector(init)];

this will return the General/NSString: @”class is General/NSObject and selector is init”

but how is this method written?.. Apple’s documentation doesn’t tell you much about writting methods such as stringWithFormat:.

As an example of how to do it.. we’ll write a function that appends a variable number of strings, here it is:

+(General/NSString *)appendStrings:(General/NSString *)first, … { General/NSMutableString * toReturn = General/[NSMutableString new]; General/NSString * nextString = first; va_list ap; va_start(ap,first); while([nextString hasSuffix: @”&”]){ [toReturn appendString: [nextString substringToIndex: [nextString length] - 1]]; nextString = va_arg(ap,id); } [toReturn appendString: nextString]; va_end(ap); return toReturn; }

This method expects all it’s arguments to be General/NSStrings. Each argument should have a suffix of @”&” if there is another argument.

so the proper way to call it is something like:

General/[MyClass appendStrings: @”one &”, @”two &”, @”three &”, @”four”];

this will return @”one two three four”

note that:

General/[MyClass appendStrings: @”one &”, @”two &”, @”three &”, @”four “, @”five “];

will return the same thing, because the method will not know about the fifth argument


General/[MyClass appendStrings: @”one &”, @”two &”, @”three &”, @”four &”];

will crash at runtime, as the method looks for another argument after @”four &” and does not find one.

so… using variable argument methods means that you need to establish a convention about how they should be called. Alternately, we could have written appendStrings: like this

+(General/NSString *)appendStrings:(int)count, … { General/NSMutableString * toReturn = General/[NSMutableString new]; General/NSString * nextString; va_list ap; va_start(ap,count); while(count > 0){ nextString = va_arg(ap,id); [toReturn appendString: nextString]; count–; } va_end(ap); return toReturn; }

for that method, we would establish the convention of passing an int describing the number of strings to append, followed by all the strings. like this:

General/[MyClass appendStrings: 4, @”one “, @”two “, @”three “, @”four “];

We could even split up the arguments like this:

+(General/NSString *)appendNumber:(int)count ofStrings:(General/NSString *)first, … { General/NSMutableString * toReturn = General/[NSMutableString new]; General/NSString * nextString = first; va_list ap; va_start(ap,first); while(count > 0){ [toReturn appendString: nextString]; nextString = va_arg(ap,id); count–; } [toReturn appendString: nextString]; va_end(ap); return toReturn; }

and the convention would be like this:

General/[MyClass appendNumber: 4 ofStrings: @”one “, @”two “, @”three “, @”four”];

What are people’s thoughts on the conventions for passing a variable number of arguments to a method?

Which of the two shown do you think is a better convention? And… what other interesting conventions can you think of for this situation? It is important to come up with a good memorable convention, because if you call it wrong you’ll probably crash.

Both conventions stink. Use the existing C/Cocoa Conventions: either have a format argument that defines what’s coming later (think printf or General/NSString’s stringWithFormat:), or use a nil sentinel to indicate the end of a list of strings (like General/NSArray’s arrayWithObjects:”. No need to count items (hard to maintain, and a pain if you have more than a handful of items) or have some hack that you have to attach to your strings (if you decide to rearrange them).

I prefer the nil termination. If that looks ugly you can have something like,

#define THE_ARGS(x) x, nil

then it might be a little more pleasing to the eye to see General/[NSArray arrayWithObjects: THE_ARGS(obj1,obj2,obj3)];


@interface General/NSMutableString (General/MYAdditions)


@implementation General/NSMutableString (General/MYAdditions)

@end . . . General/NSMutableString *str = General/[NSMutableString string]; if (nil != str) { [str appendStrings:@”How “, @”Now “, @”Brown “, @”Cow.”, nil]; General/NSLog(str); }

However, the above does not support [str appendStrings:nil]. I recommend the following instead, which is simpler and supports [str appendStrings:nil]:

This is great and very useful, but what if you want to pass the argument list to another function? For example it would be really convenient to write a function like:

How would one refer to the argument list without iterating over it? Or is that just not possible?

It’s possible, but you have to use the General/NSString method specifically designed for it:

here is an example that worked for me:

gcc also supports variadic arguments in macros. For example, you can do this:

#define myMacro(a, b, …) [ self myMethodWithA:a andVariableArgs:b, VA_ARGS ]


To build on what Tim said, it also supports:

#define myMacro(a, b, …) [ self myMethodWithA:a andVariableArgs:b, ## VA_ARGS ]

If no variables are specified after b, then ## removes the trailing ‘,’ from b and VA_ARGS doesn’t generate anything.
