I am working on a project and I want to create and manage a window on every screen on the computer and update when / if screens are lost or gained. I hope some one can help…
I know that using General/[NSScreen screens] I can get an array of the screens at present and I imagine therefore that I can loop through the array something like this…
screens = General/[NSScreen screens];
for (i = 0; i < screens; i++ {
// get screen size screenRect = General/[[NScreen i] frame];
// Create window General/NSWindow *SCREENNAME = General/[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:screenRect styleMask:General/NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:General/NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:General/[NSScreen mainScreen]];
[SCREENNAME setBackgroundColor:General/[NSColor blackColor]]; [SCREENNAME setAlphaValue:0.0]; [SCREENNAME setLevel:General/NSScreenSaverWindowLevel-2]; [SCREENNAME setReleasedWhenClosed:NO];
Assuming that were to work then I imagine that I would simply put that in a function which I call on awakeFromNib in my General/AppController (to create the windows) and then also there must be a notification some thing like screensDidChange: which I could override and implement some form of update to my windows to add or remove windows on screens where applicable.
Additionally windows also need to be manageable i.e. I would need some way to get them to perform a adjustment i.e. setting the color or adjusting the alpha value.
Now I know someone is going to say why don’t you use General/CGCaptureAllDisplays() but as far as I could work out there is no way to adjust this window i.e. alpha value. which I need as I want to be able to fade the screens from 0 to 1 or 0 to 0.75 using General/NSTimer to incrementally fade out/in.
I hope you guys can help I am very new to all this and whilst I have a comprehension of what I need to do I am very unsure as to how to actually implement this. Your help would be much appreciated!
If the point is purely to fade different screens in/out, why not use the function for that purpose, General/CGDisplayFade(…);? –GC
Thanks for that I was already aware of this soloution however in the past I have had an issue of switching from the fade to the General/CDCaptureAllDisplays() creating a short flash of the non black window. However this is gone now! Thanks.
I would like to ask though is there a way to get a pointer to the windows General/CGCaptureAllDisplays puts in as I actually need to set it to be semi transparent. I have spent alot of time looking to no avail.
The parameter
Thanks for your help so far I hate to say it but I am quite new although I have a good grasp of what I am trying to do I have in fact tried the very same thing you suggested it seems that there is little to no functionality in the General/CDShieldingWindowID it all seems to cause a crash.
I have been looking for a long time which is why I came up with the idea of an array of screens which I could loop through as most users will only have 1 display for my application it would probably not be to taxing on the computer and most computers rarely if ever have more than 4 displays. My issue is I simply don’t have the knowledge or experience to create the idea I had in my original post by my self so if any one can indeed help me to create a loop through the displays which adds a window and sends messages to them and also detects when displays are connected or removed and appropriately adjust this then I would very much appreciate it. I will obviously continue working on this my self but if any one has any pointers or can help please do.
I have been working on this in a little mini app and this is what I have come up with it manages to create a window on every screen now all I need to do is work out how to loop thorugh them using a timer to fade I can see this would get quite resource intensive should the user have a larger number of displays as it will be calling a function every 0.1 seconds for every display 75 times in my case to fade from 0.0 to 0.75 in 0.1 fractions. I may try reducing this until the smoothness of the animation is just about to be comprimised.
Heres my work inprogress code for my General/AppController…
(void)awakeFromNib { // Get all screens windows = General/[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; General/NSArray *screens = General/[NSScreen screens]; int i;
for (i = 0; i < [screens count]; i++) { General/NSWindow *newWindow = [self addWindowOnScreen:[screens objectAtIndex:i]]; [windows addObject:newWindow]; }
(General/NSWindow *)addWindowOnScreen:(General/NSScreen *)screen { // Create new window General/NSRect size; size = [screen frame]; size.origin = General/NSZeroPoint;
General/NSWindow *newWindow = General/[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:size //[screen frame] styleMask:General/NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:General/NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:screen]; // Define new window [newWindow setBackgroundColor:General/[NSColor blackColor]]; [newWindow setAlphaValue:0.75]; [newWindow setLevel:General/NSScreenSaverWindowLevel-2]; [newWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
return newWindow; }
WOOP! I did it all by my self pretty much!
I would appreciate some feedback on how well coded it is.
#import “General/AppController.h”
@implementation General/AppController
(void)awakeFromNib { // Move the window control window just below the screensaver level [window center]; [window setLevel:General/NSScreenSaverWindowLevel-1];
// Capture all the displays (includes fading in) [self captureAllDisplays]; }
(General/IBAction)quit:(id)sender { // Release all the displays (includes fading out) [self releaseAllDisplays]; }
(void)captureAllDisplays { windows = General/[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; General/NSArray *screens = General/[NSScreen screens]; int i;
// Loop through the each screen for (i = 0; i < [screens count]; i++) { // Create a new window using addWindowOnScreen: General/NSWindow *newWindow = [self addWindowOnScreen:[screens objectAtIndex:i]]; // Add the window pointer to the windows array [windows addObject:newWindow]; }
// Fade in the windows using a timer timer = General/[[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.03 target:self selector:@selector(fadeIn:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; }
(void)releaseAllDisplays { // Fade out the windows using a timer timer = General/[[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0.03 target:self selector:@selector(fadeOut:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES] retain]; }
(General/NSWindow *)addWindowOnScreen:(General/NSScreen *)screen { // Define the size of the window and set it in the corner of the screen General/NSRect size; size = [screen frame]; size.origin = General/NSZeroPoint;
// Create a borderless window on the appropriate screen General/NSWindow *newWindow = General/[[NSWindow alloc] initWithContentRect:size styleMask:General/NSBorderlessWindowMask backing:General/NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO screen:screen]; // Define new windows characteristics [newWindow setBackgroundColor:General/[NSColor blackColor]]; [newWindow setAlphaValue:0.0]; [newWindow setLevel:General/NSScreenSaverWindowLevel-2];
// Show the window [newWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
// Return a pointer to the new window return newWindow; }
(void)fadeIn:(General/NSTimer *)theTimer; { int i;
// If the alpha is greater than 0.7 then stop fading if (General/windows objectAtIndex:0] alphaValue] > 0.69) { [timer invalidate]; [timer release]; } else { // Loop through each window increasing the alpha value by 0.03 while the value is less than 0.7 for (i = 0; i < [windows count]; i++) { if ([[windows objectAtIndex:i] alphaValue] < 0.7) { [[windows objectAtIndex:i] setAlphaValue:[[windows objectAtIndex:i] alphaValue]+0.03]; } } } }
(void)fadeOut:([[NSTimer *)theTimer; { int i;
// If the alpha is less than 0.1 then stop fading if (General/windows objectAtIndex:0] alphaValue] < 0.01) { [timer invalidate]; [timer release]; [[[NSApp terminate:nil]; } else { // Loop through each window decreasing the alpha value by 0.03 while the value is greater than 0.0 for (i = 0; i < [windows count]; i++) { if ([[windows objectAtIndex:i] alphaValue] > 0.0) { [[windows objectAtIndex:i] setAlphaValue:[[windows objectAtIndex:i] alphaValue]-0.03]; } } } }
(void)dealloc { [windows release]; [super dealloc]; }